Email Permission
I give my permission to Stoa to use my email address to send me Stoa-related information. It is expected that this would include both general information about the organization and specific information such as tournaments, meetings, voting issues, etc.
I understand that my email will be posted to the National Christian Homeschool Speech and Debate Rankings (Speechranks) by Stoa tournament administrators. My email will not be visible to the general public. I will have access to my own email on the site as part of the registration and log-in process on the site. I understand and accept that Stoa may use my email to send me tournament invitations and to send me information about the National Rankings website. I understand that I may opt out from the National Rankings site at any time, after the fact, via a mechanism on the website, but that this will irrevocably remove my name from consideration for an invitation to the Stoa National Invitational Tournament of Champions for the current season.