
Stoa is organized to serve the privately educated, Christian homeschool community. Stoa recognizes and accepts that homeschooling families use a wide variety of homeschooling strategies and we support the parental right to direct the education of their children.

Eligibility for the Stoa National Invitational Tournament of Champions:

Competitors accepting invitations shall meet the following criteria:

1. AGE

Competitors shall be ages 12 to 18 on January 1, 2014.

(To be eligible to judge, for the 2013-2014 season, a judge must be age 19 or older on January 1, 2014. A student may not compete and judge within the same competition season.)


The parent member(s) must agree with the Statement of Faith.


If the following 2 statements can be affirmed (with a yes) the student shall be deemed home educated for Stoa purposes.

1. Your student is at least ONE of the following:
(A)  Exempt from public education enrollment and/or attendance in your state
(B)  Homeschooled under the statutes or regulations in your state
(C)  Enrolled in a non-public home-based educational program according to the laws in your state
(D)  Covered by HSLDA

2. Your student is NOT enrolled full-time (full time equals 12 units) in any one of the following:
(A) campus based public or charter school
(B) Public or charter school independent study program
(C) campus-based private school
(D) College classes

For 2014-2105, Item #2 under Home Educated will read:

2. Your student is NOT enrolled full-time (full time equals 12 units in any summer, fall, winter, or spring session) in any one of the following:
(A) campus based public or charter school
(B) Public or charter school independent study program
(C) campus-based private school
(D) College classes